
The Lord Jesus Christ returned to Heaven and set up upon this earth the Church. The Church is a body of called-out believers, Heaven’s representatives on earth. Each local body of believers is to establish a local New Testament, Bible-believing, Christ-centered, Holy Spirit-filled church.

But Satan (the devil) wants to hinder the Church by filling it with unholy doctrine and unholy people. From the beginning of the Church until the present time, God’s people have fought the battle to maintain the purity of doctrine and holy living that are set forth in His standards, for His churches, for His glory, and for our good.

Most born-again Christians are not aware of God’s standards, partly because they are not taught what God’s Word says, or because the pulpit is silent on the issues of separation, standards, and holy living.

This study on standards, I believe, is deliberately frank concerning issues for holy living. All scriptures quoted are from the beloved King James Version of the Bible. The outline for most of this study was found in a copied form without an author’s name attached to it, but I have added to this outline as the Holy Spirit has allowed me to. The standards addressed and the scriptures given are not all-conclusive of what God has said or written. Scriptures left out, standards not covered, and mistakes found are due to the fallibility, inability, and ignorance of this teacher.

In constructing this study I am indebted to many for their input, editing, and support. To those in the Sunday night Bible class who responded and gave input I am deeply grateful. But most of all I am thankful to the Sovereign God, Jesus Christ, who in March of 1980 spoke to me about the condition of my soul and saved me. Because of Him, by Him, through Him, and to Him I dedicate this study.

In this day and age the battles of the Christian individual, the Christian family, and the New Testament Church are toward holy living. Biblical standards are considered legalism to the lost world, babes in Jesus Christ, and those Christians who have left their first love, Jesus Christ. But in reality, legalism is adding to the Word of God what is not there.

As a person begins to read and study this lesson on standards, only a blood-bought, born-again child of God who is seeking to walk with God will be able to comprehend this scripture-based study and mature in God’s grace as he seeks God’s face, studies His Word, and communicates with Him.

If a person could adhere to all or any part of the standards mentioned in God’s word and yet not have a love-based attitude, then all would be of no avail. My heart’s desire and prayer is that God would be praised and blessed by our desire to learn of Him and to follow Him. All that is in this lesson is merely an outline, and Scripture should be read before and after the subject mentioned.

Ron Papa

Christ the Answer Ministry

Wild Peach Baptist Church

Brazoria, Texas