INTRODUCTION TO DOCTRINE                                     



The word doctrine is used by many in the religious world and to most of the church going people the meaning of doctrine is unclear.  It may prove profitable to all if we deal with the study of the word doctrine as a whole.  The word doctrine means, as a whole, to teach or the teachings.  In the Bible we have the word doctrine in both Hebrew and Greek.  The Greek words for doctrine are:

Did-as-ko, which means to teach         Did-as-kalos, which means instructor, master, teacher

Did-akh-ay, which means instruction  Did-ak-tik-os, Apt to teach

The Hebrew word for doctrine is:

Leh-kakh, which means something received, instruction, commandment, law and deposit.

The Latin word for doctrine is “docco” or “doctrina” which means to teach, the act of teaching, and the subject taught.  (We get the word Doctor from this Latin word.)

The synonyms for doctrine are: Dogma, principle, precept, and tenet.

Precept means: commandment, direction, admonish, or doctrine.

The word precept can be found 5 times in the Old Testament and 2 times in the New Testament.

The word precepts can be found 24 times in the Old Testament, in the books.

Tenet means: opinion, principle, dogma, or doctrine which a person believes or maintains.


How to study doctrine:

  1. Gather all your necessary material.

Once the subject has been chosen, a good concordance should be used to gather all the Scripture having to do with the subject.  To gather doctrinal truth from Scripture, we bring all the passages that refer to the same subject, impartially compare them, restrict expressions of one passage by those of another and explain the whole subject consistently.


  1. Trace the progress of doctrine.

Truth should be classified according to the O. T. and N. T. (Read Isa. 28:10, 13; Mk. 10:5; Heb. 9:19.)


  1. Balance one doctrine by another.

One doctrine must be held consistently with another to neglect this rule is like being a half-baked cake.

(Hosea 7:8) burnt on one side not done on the other.


  1. State Biblical doctrines in Scripture language.

In describing the doctrines of the Bible, refrain from all scientific and high-sounding phraseologies. (Be simple) The KJV Bible offers us the purest English to be found in any             literature, and one cannot do better than to saturate the memory with its exact language. (Study your Bible)


  1. Combine doctrine with practice.

Right thinking should lead to right living.

What is a correct creed without a correct character?

Scriptural doctrines should result in Scriptural holiness.

There is a inseparable connection between doctrine and duty, precept and practice.


  1. General principles to observe.

When in doubt don’t.

When a doctrine is important and necessary, Scripture will be found to be full and clear.

The Bible never contradicts itself.


A Thought to ponder:

The word doctrine is found 51 times in the Bible and the word Doctrines are found 5 times in the Bible.

The doctrines we are going to review are sometimes spoken of as “theology,” a term meaning knowledge of God and of divine truths.  Doctrine, to the Born-again believer,  is teaching as received from the Scripture.  Scripture is the Word of God, which is the Bible. (KJV)  Dogma is the teaching authoritatively laid down by the church, and when it is contrary to Biblical doctrine, must be rejected.